Who is Industry Outsider?

I recently had the pleasure of working with Industry Outsider to get a cool Ruger Charger barrel threaded to help with a build.

To be honest, Industry Outsider is…well…a total Ruger nut. From Ruger 10-22’s to Ruger Chargers, he knows anything and everything Ruger - inside and out. I love working with people who have a specialty - you often get those really cool custom projects from folks who go deep in one direction. This time it was a Charger with a KIDD barrel that needed some love on the business end…1/2x28 tpi to be specific. You may like to see his write-up of the process on his site.(click here)
After industry outsider removed the barrel from the receiver, we met up to get this going. The barrel needed to be cut as well as threaded so it would match up with the hand-guard nicely. No problem. Cut, crown, and thread we go….
After finishing and returning the barrel, industryoutsider reassembled the Ruger Charger and sent pics. She’s a dandy. The break meets the hand-guard real nice and it’s ready for a suppressor anytime.

Great collaboration. Great project. Great build.

Check out industryoutsider.com and see all the cool projects he has going.

Get your Ruger charger barrel threaded!

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